Fulton Family


Of San Diego California

About us

Who We are

Our chiropractor, Dr. Fulton, is a very friendly gentleman who truly wants nothing but the best for his friends, family, community, and most of all, his patients. He works continuously to ensure that his patients receive the very best care. He has had his own experiences that drove him to become a Chiropractor.

We have over 30 years of successful experience in Chiropractic & Wellness Care.


our features

Why Choose  us

If you are looking for a trusted and experienced Chiropractor to help you with decision-making in your health of your body, Fulton Fulton Chiropractic is the right place for you!

Innovative Solutions

We have many different Chiropractic techniques and tools at our disposal.

Targeting the source

Taking a painkiller will treat the symptoms – but seeing a chiropractor might just correct the source of the pain.

Experienced Chiropractor

Some studies have found that chiropractic care can reduce pain even more effectively than medications.

Working together

We take our vast experience and work with to find the solution for you chiropractic needs



company established




of happy clients

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Chiropractic 101,
The Basics

How Chiropractic Works and What it Does.

A visual explanation of the role your nervous system and spine play.

How they run your body and health.

Play Video


What People Say About Us
It doesn't get better than this. You can stop your search for the best chiropractor cause I've found him. He's fixed so many problems for my family I can't even begin. He truly is a healer and has the magic touch for finding subluxations. Once he gets things unpinched and the nerves are free and clear, the healing truly begins. No pain at all, extremely gentle adjustments. My daughter is a big fan and we've tried many. There is no comparison to Dr. Randy. He truly is the best at what he does. I've never found a better chiropractor. If you want to get better, you owe it to yourself to come see Dr. Fulton. You won't be disappointed.
Linda E.
Oceanside, CA
I've had low back pain since 18 years of age due to a volleyball injury. Since then more back pain followed by hip problems and frequent headaches and neck spasms led me to believe that I simply wasn't working out hard enough and needed to toughen up. In fact the opposite was true. After a short two years of lifting, I again was in the same condition of mild to moderate pain. So far the results are good to very good. The headaches are only occasionally now, like after a hard workout or no rest the night before. I still have some tenderness in the pelvic region where a partially torn muscle fiber(s) have scarred. My girlfriend and I are glad we stayed and chose correction of the problem over pain relief care.
Matt Greeber
My back went out on me at work at 7:00 AM. I've had to go to a chiropractor on and off for about 15 years. With the same problem. My pain was so severe I could hardly walk, carry anything or bend over. I was tilted to the right. I looked like a walking "S"!! Results: GREAT!! It took about 5 days of double appointments to be completely out of pain. Since then I have quickly and steadily progressed - pain free! He and I are dedicated to getting my spine to where it needs to be!!
Marilyn Leslee