The world, “Chiropractic,” taken from the Greek, “cheir” (hand), plus “praktikos” (effective), means “effective hands.” The science of chiropractic is defined as being the science of adjusting by hand any or all luxations (dislocation) of the 300 articular joins of the human body, more especially, the 52 articulations of the spinal column, for the purpose of freeing any or all impinged nerves which cause deranged functions.
Organs and tissues of the body depend upon normal nerve supply for normal function. Nerve Energy in the body is carried from the brain or central control through the spinal cord and its branches. The spinal cord is housed and protected by the column of bony segments (vertebrae) which compose the commonly known “back bone” of spinal column. Slight misplacements (subluxations) of these bony segments can provide for impingements upon the spinal nerves and even the spinal cord itself. This inhibits the normal flow of nerve energy over the nerve tracts. Thus abnormal positioning of the spinal segments will impair function through nerve interference. The resulting disease symptoms depend upon the area or level of the spine involved.
The brain, housed by the skull, is the dynamic center of the human body and has a direct or indirect connection with all its tissue cells. From the brain, nerves pass down out of the skull through the spinal column in the spinal cord and the individual nerve branches from this great nerve trunk are given off at various levels, to pass out of the openings which are formed between the individual spinal segments or vertebrae as they sit one upon another. These openings are normal in size when the vertebrae are maintained in proper relationship. Abnormal positions of the vertebrae decrease the size of the openings and provide for impingement of the nerves and therefore for changes in the flow of nerve impulse from brain to tissue cell. Disturbed innervation means deranged action in the tissue cells.
The theory underlying chiropractic procedure is that spinal subluxation creates impingement upon nerves, which affects the normal transmission of nerve energy to the various organs and tissues of the body. By adjusting the subluxated spinal segments, the flow of nerve energy is normalized and the CAUSE of the disease is removed.
Nerve interference may cause paralysis of an arm, abnormalities of vision, inflammation of the kidney, inflammation of the knee joint, or inactivity of the bowel: the symptom depending upon the vertebrae and nerves involved. All of these ills and others too numerous to mention are the end results of deranged flow of nerve energy to the body structure.
Such conditions respond favorably to chiropractic when the nerve impingement is corrected and the tissues are able to function normally once more. While backache or pain in the back is a common symptom, it is not always nor necessarily present with abnormal positioning of the vertebrae. A simple cold may also be an evidence of weakness, the causative factor being nerve pressure. Remember that from the skin into the innermost center of the body, all organs and tissues are supplied by the nerves; even the blood supply, the heart action, the digestion of food depend upon nerve energy for proper action.
Chiropractic has advanced today to the point where adjustments are painless and the repositioning of spinal segments is a scientific procedure. Years ago, we rode by horse and buggy; today we travel by automobile and airplane. So, in chiropractic, we have found a way to restore the spinal column to normal by the use of force so slight that it causes no discomfort to the patient. Today we have instruments to help us locate the areas of abnormal nerve action that makes X-ray of seldom use. A very slight adjusting force is used, in accord with the structure and mechanisms of the body.